With Chinese television @ the Paris Flea Market

Weibo and Bilibili

Do you know the Weibo and Bilibili audience? No ? Well they do. With 460 million active visitors and 100 million members for the other, these video channels, cousins of TikTok, are the two most active channels in China. Flea Market Paris accompanied the Chinese film crew to the Flea Market

Summer is here. As usual, Phil Mevel arranged to meet us a little before the arrival of producer Jiahui Huang's film crew, whom we were to take to the Flea Market for a few hours. When she arrives, our visitors, straight from China, are already there with a translator and cameraman. Our mission is clear: to introduce Chinese viewers and internet users to luxury items that have a history. In the end, a 17-minute video report, available in full on Chinese networks!

Playing piano with Jay Chou

The visit begins around a piano on which the famous Chinese artist Jay Chou played during his visit to Paris at the Samaritaine. A remarkable moment for our interlocutors which also gives us the opportunity to tell the amazing life of this piano, ordered by a certain Mr. Van der Bild for his grandson, then bought back and painted in pink by a certain Mrs. Gould before being given again to an American university.
Piano. puces

In the footsteps of the actors Huang Xiaming and Angelababy

Still following in the footsteps of famous Chinese people who came to Paris, we then passed through a chandelier workshop where the actor Huang Xiaoming and his wife, the actress Angelababy, came in search of light fixtures for their home. If the deal was not done, this meeting remains an incredible memory for the owner of the place to be able to meet the actor who played in "Snipers, sniper" and his muse in search of furniture in Paris.

The French Charm

This question of interior design gives us the opportunity for a clever transition. First by presenting a piece of furniture in Coromandel lacquer at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, then by presenting the elegance of French-style tables topped with silverware. And then how to end a visit to the flea market by avoiding fashion and Chanel jewelry?