Victor Vignon, Soleil Couchant sur le Chevet de Notre-Dame

Victor Vignon is a student of Camille Corot, he was also advised by Adolphe-Félix Cals.

Around 1878-1880, he was in Auvers-sur-Oise with Camille Pissaro, Armand Guillaumin and Paul Cézanne, where he painted subjects identical to theirs: Chemin de Chaponval (1881), La Côte Saint-Nicolas à Auvers (1882), Masures à Auvers (1883).


In 1886, Victor Vignon took part in the eighth and last Impressionist painters' exhibition.


Our painting depicts a view of Paris at sunset with the Chevet de Notre-Dame in the background and the Quais de Seine in the foreground. 

XIXth century
Fine Art

Japanese Bronze owl
Steve Tobin, Shoe 1
Thee Three Gods, painting by Victor de Limoelan
Bear sitting by Guyot (Georges, Lucien)