Victor Vignon, Soleil Couchant sur le Chevet de Notre-Dame

Victor Vignon is a student of Camille Corot, he was also advised by Adolphe-Félix Cals.

Around 1878-1880, he was in Auvers-sur-Oise with Camille Pissaro, Armand Guillaumin and Paul Cézanne, where he painted subjects identical to theirs: Chemin de Chaponval (1881), La Côte Saint-Nicolas à Auvers (1882), Masures à Auvers (1883).


In 1886, Victor Vignon took part in the eighth and last Impressionist painters' exhibition.


Our painting depicts a view of Paris at sunset with the Chevet de Notre-Dame in the background and the Quais de Seine in the foreground. 

XIXth century
Fine Art

Pair of solid silver candelabra called "End of the table"
Pair of adjustable crystal ball lamps by Jacques Adnet
Pair of lamps in the shape of elephant tusks for Maison Jansen
Maori Mass, New Zealand "Patu paraoa" type