Michel Cadestin
The famous chairs of Beaubourg, it's him! Michel Cadestin is a French urban planner and interior designer born in 1942. Trained at the Ecole Boulle, he then joined the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs before joining the Société des Artistes décorateurs.
In the creative effervescence of the 1970s, he experimented with new materials such as plastic and synthetic foams with Christian Ragot, which enabled him to bring to life the Karate armchair, which has become an iconic design object today.
The opening of the Centre Pompidou in 1977 consecrated his talent, notably with the installation of his furniture in the reading rooms of the museum's large library: the Traineau chair and the tables with their laminated tops and adjustable legs, published by the Teda company for which Michel Cadestin worked until 1983.
Among the elements of furniture that have made Michel Cadestin, let's quote the Traineau Chair, the Dactylo Chair, the President Armchair, the Alcove 2000 Sofa, etc.