Earthenware plate by Colette Gueden for Primavera

Earthenware plate with silkscreened decoration "Côtes de France" (Cotentin and Vendée), produced by Keller et Guérin in Lunéville. Branded and signed Primavera on the back.

Documentation, exhibition: Hardy / Tatin, Primavera, Atelier d'art du Printemps, Faton, 2014, ill. n° 778

Dimensions Length x Width x Height
9.05 × 9.05 × 0.78 in
XXth century

Prices vary depending on destination and complexity

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Decorative art

Pair of shepherds with spread wings
Poster by Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen for Chocolats Thés compagnie française
Thee Three Gods, painting by Victor de Limoelan
Alabaster lamp in four superimposed blocks