Behind this acronym lies the Atelier de Recheche Plastique, which in the creative effervescence of the post-war period brought together three of the greatest French designers of the time, namely Pierre Guariche, Joseph-André Motte and Michel Mortier.
It was a time of tidying up and designers were creating products to meet a demand that was growing with the expansion of a nascent consumer society.
The Atelier de Recherche Plastique was created in 1954 and allowed our designers to work on modular and modifiable enfilades according to a relationship to space. The joint adventure of Pierre Guariche, Joseph-André Motte and Michel Mortier will last 3 years until 1957, allowing them to give life to beautiful realizations which will be diffused by Steiner or Huchers-Minvielle.
Pierre Guariche, Joseph-André Motte, Michel Mortier